
[Translate to English:] Poster zur Umfrage "Rate your space"

VSETH survey on student workspaces

VSETH is currently conducting a survey on student workplaces at ETH Zurich. The Information Center is also looking forward to your feedback.


Infozine No. 25 has been published!

The 25th Issue of our magazine Infozine is now available online, once again with a mix of News from the Info Center, the world of scientific communication and tips and tricks.


Selection of newly acquired books December 2021

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas Chemistry & Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Bridging Scientific Disciplines as well as Popular Science & Lifelong Learning, can be found online.


Coffee Lectures: The 24th series!

Starting November 23, 2021, for three weeks, we will present Coffee Lectures with a mix of exciting topics. Finally, the 24th series will again take place live on site, with a parallel Zoom broadcast.


Selection of newly acquired books October 2021

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas Chemistry & Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Bridging Scientific Disciplines as well as Popular Science & Lifelong Learning, can be found online.


LinkedIn Learning Online Courses at the ETH Zurich

LinkedIn Learning, a leading online learning platform and a successor of Lynda offers thousands of video tutorials on business, technology and creative skills. Now available for employees of ETH Zurich through the IT Shop.


Locker rental during the semester break

Locker rentals in the exterior of the library will begin on Monday, June 7 at 10:00 a.m. for the duration of the exam session. The rental will take place outside the Info Center, in front of room G2.


Coffee Lectures: The 23rd series!

At the end of the summer semester 2021, we are launching the 23rd series of our Coffee Lecture, again with a mix of various topics.


Infozine No. 24 has been published!

The 24th Issue of our magazine Infozine is now available online, once again with a mix of News from the Info Center, the world of scientific communication and tips and tricks.

[Translate to English:] Der Nachlass in Kartons am Eingang des Infozentrums.

Books to give away!

Starting May 10, 2021, we give away books from the legacy of Prof. Hans-Jürgen Hansen. Fiction, illustrated books, encyclopedias, chemistry and much more.
